A recent study* of more than 408 learning professionals and other HR leaders, found the following:
• 42% stated that their biggest challenge to increasing the impact of high stakes training is competing priorities.
• Almost 27% of leaders do not communicated the link between personal development and business goals.
• Almost 65% of leaders say that employees are given too little time to complete learning programs.
So, what is stopping them from changing?
• Almost 60% said resistance to change is the biggest roadblock.
• Slightly over 45% said lack of budget
• 38% said a lack of clarity on what the culture should be
Is this a surprise to any of you? It certainly is not for me and I think that we all know what we need to do to change this, in our own organizations. Remember, you may not be able to make the change in a big way, but you can by doing it in small ways.
(*This data was derived from the 2019 High-Stakes Training survey by Chief Learning Officer. To learn more, go to intrepidlearning.com)
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